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HP Tech Talk: Open Source and Open Stack

November 19, 2013

HP Leadership Delivers Benefits to Enterprise Cloud Users


With roots in the development of Linux, HP is no stranger to the process of open source development.  Today's guest is HP's Director of Opensource Outreach Mark Atwood talks about licensing issues and some of the challenges that are involved in one of the largest and fastest growing projects in the history of software development.

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HP Leadership Delivers Benefits to Enterprise Cloud Users


With roots in the development of Linux, HP is no stranger to the process of open source development.

Today’s guest is HP’s Director of Open Source Outreach,  Mark Atwood talks about licensing issues and some of the challenges that are involved in one of the largest and fastest growing projects in the history of software development.

This episode is part of a series on Cloud Computing from HP, and will include further episodes on OpenStack




  This episode is also available on the SDRNews Roku channel, in the Roku Channel Store (Science and Technology Category), or by channel code SDR12.




Mark Atwood is an professional open source advocate. His technology interests include NoSQL and Cloud Computing. He has been the Director of Community Development for Gear6 and the Senior Technology Advisor for at Sun Microsystems.

He contributes to open source projects such as the Drizzle database project. He is a coauthor of the OAuth Core specification, and is a contributor to technologies such as OpenID, Microformats, OTP, and SNMP. He has helped design and code large self-configuring internet networks, including a widely deployed net-connected CATV consumer appliance, a large public PSTN voicemail social system, and a military intel decision support system. He makes his home in Seattle, with an annual trip to his home in Black Rock City.