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Storage Focus by Consultant at HP Discover

June 28, 2013
HP Discover View from Taneja Group Labs


Jeff Boles, Director of Taneja Group Validation Labs focused on storage products during his visit to HP Discover, and came away with some well defined impressions of the HP product portfolio. Jeff offers some opinions on HP’s offerings with respect to several competitors, and talks about his challenges in working with smaller customers in the field explaining storage virtualization.

On the show floor, Jeff noted that HP’s growth in software offerings have been more focused on specific product families and management of the virtual infrastructure, and moving at a far more rapid pace than HP in the past.

Jeff presented a session on HP Storage at the event, and we will present at SDRNews later this summer, as well as an article for Storgage Magazine that will be published in September, 2013.



  This episode is also available on the SDRNews Roku channel, in the Roku Channel Store (Science and Technology Category), or by channel code SDR12.





 As a senior analyst, Jeff is currently providing industry analyst, advisory, and consultative services with Taneja Group – focused on delivering objective end-user analysis and vendor support for established and start-up companies in the storage and server virtualization markets. We help end users make sense of complex and/or emerging technologies, use our understanding of end user needs to help vendors shape their solutions, and turn our broad operational and messaging experience to the task of helping vendors with best of breed solutions enter, navigate, and compete in the complex technology marketplace.

As the director of Taneja Group’s hands-on Technology Validation Service, Jeff also puts solutions through their paces to help create differentiation or validation in the market.

Jeff has a broad history of IT management and architecture experience crossing the gamut from building services delivery businesses, to operational management, to systems architecture, to SAN engineering, to process re-engineering. Jeff currently harnesses this background for marketing and product strategy and customer advisement. With 20 years of technology, financial, and management experience alongside specialized training across a variety of business sectors and challenging environments, Jeffbrings big picture, out of the box thinking to organizations and end users trying to align their IT services, product, or operations with business needs.

By night, Jeff also masquerades as a local organizer, and technology entrepreneur, around integrated approaches to problems of education performance sustainability, and urban social justice issues.