Scuba Shack Radio

Scuba Shack Radio

101. Sea Hunt It’s Still Alive – The Destroyers, plus Wet Notes News, Information and Commentary

January 02, 2023

Scuba Shack Maui is for sale. If you want to own a dive shop and live on Maui, you might consider the turn-key operation in Kihei.

Find out more about Scuba Shack Maui.

Lake Hydra (the former Dutch Springs) is scheduled to re-open in 2023. The original plan was to open in April 2023 but it looks like that might be delayed. Ken Kraft is hoping to have part of the quarry open by June.

The Small Passenger Liability Fairness Act was signed into law when it was added to the defense authorization bill. It is expected that this act will seriously impact liability insurance for dive boat owners.

When it get's cold in Florida the manatees head for warm water sites. They will seek warm water over eating, so the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission has set up one feeding station at the Cape Canaveral warming area.

Commentary - Is the drysuit causing a decrease in northeast diving? How can that be - drysuits allow us to dive year round here in New England. But drysuits are expensive, require additional training and experience. By touting the drysuit are unconsciously causing new divers to NOT dive here in the northeast.   What do you think?

In this installment of Sea Hunt It's Still Alive we are heading back to season 4 for episode 3 titled The Destroyers. Mike is working with a Coast Guard team to figure out how two Navy destroyers collided when the radars were jammed. Mike must fight off two scooter divers. He uses razor sharp coral to shred one bad diver hose and rams a second diver with a Porto Sub to capture the saboteurs.