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Scuba Shack Radio

79. Find out more about Commander Edward Ellsberg – Salvage Man plus Wet Notes updates on shark fishing bans in Hawaii, Ghost Divers and more

February 28, 2022

Hawaii has recently banned shark fishing in Hawaiian waters. More protection for these apex predators.

Sea turtles on the verge of extinction in the Maldives?

Ghost Divers removing fishing nets from deep wrecks. Hear more about their latest effort.

The Nautilus Lifeline Marine Rescue GPS. Should you be carrying one on your next dive?

In addition to their new Rec Fins - Fourth Element is also releasing a Tech Fin in 2022. These fins look very cool.

Immerse Yourself at the History of Diving Museum - virtually.

Edward Ellsberg was not only known for his incredible salvage work prior to and during World War II, he was also a prolific author.

Ellsberg graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1914, transferred to the Navy's Construction Corp in 1916 and became a leading expert in underwater salvage. He was in charge of the efforts to raise the wreck of the submarine S-51 from 132 feet.

After leaving the Navy in 1926, Ellsberg started to write. His first book recounted the salvage efforts of S-51. The book was published in 1928 and is titled On The Bottom. Prior to World War II he continued his writing. His next three books were fiction about salvaging sunken treasure (30 Fathoms Deep), submarine warfare in World War I (Pig Boats) and S-54. He also wrote a trilogy of juvenile books on underwater adventure. Right before the war started he published Hell on Ice and Captain Paul.

During World War II, Ellsberg led efforts to clear a Red Sea port of scuttled ships and dry docks. Then he led all salvage efforts in the Western Mediterranean. He also was largely responsible for setting up the artificial harbor during the D-Day invasion at Omaha Beach.

He wrote another trilogy about his World War II work and includes, Under the Red Sea Sun, No Banners, No Bugles and The Far Shore.