Preventing Problems at Benchley

November 02, 2020

By David Watson

Benchley, November 1, 2020

* I Thessalonians 4:1* Leaving our first love* Ephesus timeline* Paul’s second journey: Acts 18:19-21* Paul’s third journey: Acts 19* Paul’s farewell: Acts 20 (trouble brewing)* Paul’s letter: Ephesians* Ephesians 4:31-32* Timothy in Ephesus: I Timothy, II Timothy* I Timothy 1:3-4; II Timothy 2:17-18* John’s letter: Revelation 2:1-7 (left first love)* The church in Ephesus started so strong and had years of teaching from both Paul and Timothy, but they still left their first love! If it can happen in Ephesus, it can happen anywhere!* John 14:15-23* I John 5:3* I Corinthians 13:3* Acts 19:10 – Ephesus was the center of the gospel in Asia at one time!* Acts 20:36-37 – What happened to this passion?* Forming cliques (Galatians 3:27-28)* Possible cliques:* More money; less money* College students; non-students* Florida College; non-Florida College* Members; visitors* Older folks; younger families with kids* Acts 11:19-20, 26, 29* Matthew 13:53-58 vs Acts 2:9, 46-47 – They were unified spiritually despite their different backgrounds!* Romans 12:10, 16* There is no reason for any of these cliques!