Don’t Leave God at the Building

October 19, 2020

By David Watson

Benchley, October 18, 2020

* Galatians 2:20* First of all, it’s impossible to remove God from the world He created.* Colossians 1:16-17* Removing God from the world is like trying to improve the car by removing the engine!* Good science has never been at odds with good Bible interpretation.* Fake science: We know the universe began through natural causes.* “We have not explained the beginning of the cosmos at all.”* Biblical truth: Genesis 1:1* Fake science: Some races are superior to others.* Original subtitle of Origin of Species: “Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for Life”* Biblical truth: Genesis 1:27. We are all equal before God.* Fake science: Dinosaurs went extinct 65 million years ago.* Now we are finding soft tissue in dinosaur bones!* Biblical truth: Genesis 5, 11* Present à Christ: 2,000 years* Christ à Abraham: 2,000 years* Abraham à Adam: 2,000 years* Total age of the earth: roughly 6,000 years.* See also David’s previous sermon: The Age of the Earth* Furthermore, the world is better when God is revered and obeyed.* Proverbs 3:19-23; Psalms 119:160* Genesis 2:15-17* If we banish God, we are left with morals that are merely opinions!* Psalms 4:15-20* John 17:17* Proverbs 14:34* I Thessalonians 2:12-14; 4:3; 5:15-22* James 1:22-25* “Men have forgotten God. That’s why all this has happened.” – Aleksandr Solzhenitzyn