Scott LaPierre Ministries

Scott LaPierre Ministries

Learning from the Parable of the Unprofitable Servant (Luke 17:7-10)

March 19, 2023

In Luke 17:7-10 Jesus preached The Parable of the Unprofitable Servant. When we think of all Christ has done for us, our response should be, “We are unworthy servants. We have only done our duty.”
In Luke 17:7-10 Jesus preached The Parable of the Unprofitable Servant. Our response should always be, “We are unworthy servants.”

Table of contentsFamily Worship GuideSermon NotesLesson One: The parable of the unprofitable servant teaches us we (Part One) always have more work to do for the master.Lesson One: The parable of the unprofitable servant teaches us we (Part Two) should prefer the master to ourselves.Lesson One: The parable of the unprofitable servant teaches us we (Part Three) have never went above and beyond.Lesson Two: The master will serve those who faithfully served Him.

Family Worship Guide

Directions: Read the following verses and then answer the questions:

Day 1: Luke 17:7-9—Can you think of some examples of what Pastor Scott said about being busy helping us heal physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually? Perhaps you have seen this in your own life or someone else’s? What is the danger, or temptation, we face when actively serving the Lord, and why do we face it?

Day 2: Luke 17:7-10, Matthew 19:27—Why didn’t the master tell the servant to come in and sit down and relax after working so hard? What application does this have for us? What might people be tempted to think after serving the Lord faithfully for decades and why? Have we ever went above and beyond in our relationships with the Lord? Why or why not?

Day 3: Luke 12:35-37 cf. John 13:4-6—Describe the relationship between the verses in Luke 12 and Luke 17. Did they conflict with each other or complement each other, and how so? Which verses describe this life and which verses describe the next life? How do both sets of verses encourage us in our service to the Lord?

Sermon Notes

The title of this morning’s sermon is, “The Parable of the Unprofitable Servant.”

On Sunday mornings we’re working our way through Luke’s gospel verse by verse, and we find ourselves at Luke 17:7.

I pole vaulted in high school. As you can guess you get better each year, so we were excited for my senior year. When the season was approaching Dad took me down to the track to practice. I felt bad about him having to stand around while I warmed up, so I decided I wouldn’t warm up that day. I jumped on the runway and was racing toward the box for my first vault when I felt a painful tear in my hamstring.

I thought the best way to heal it was to do as little as possible. It would start to feel better, but every time I ran on it the pain returned. I repeated this all season. The highest height I cleared was two feet lower than my highest height the year before.

Sometime later I was sharing about the injury with someone, and he said, “You should have been lightly jogging on it to get blood flowing. Blood is healing, which is why a papercut take so long to heal: there’s little blood. A jagged cut that bleeds will always heal much faster.”

Fast forward to my junior year of college. At that time Florida Tech didn’t have a tackle football program. Instead, they had a flag football program that I participated in each year. We had the All-Star game at the end of the season, and believe it or not, someone forgot to bring the flags. Not wanting to disappoint everyone who came out to watch, we decided to play tackle…with no pads, helmets, or any protective gear.

I ended up severely separating my shoulder, and everyone knew my ROTC career was in jeopardy. The injury was on Wednesday, I took an emergency flight home on Thursday, which was Thanksgiving Day, and on Friday my parents had me meeting with an orthopedic surgeon. I had surgery within a few days, did the rehab at home in California through the rest of the fall semester and Christmas vacation. Then I returned to Florida for spring semester,