Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus

Latest Episodes

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #17 - "Gojira"/"Godzilla, King Of The Monsters"
June 20, 2012

This week, it's "Gojira" and it's American child, "Godzilla, King Of The Monsters"

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #16 - "Batman" (1989)
June 13, 2012

THIS WEEK: For almost twenty years, it reigned supreme as the best example of how to do a superhero movie and do it RIGHT - only another director's vision would outshine it. But Tim Burton's original take on the classic comic remains a classic and a favor

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #15 - "Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?"
June 06, 2012

THIS WEEK: It was a classic film of the 1960s, a film which changed the way films were presented forever, the film that caused the collapse of the Production Code in favor of the current ratings system, and a film which featured four of the finest perform

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #14 - "A Film Unfinished"
May 31, 2012

THIS WEEK: Although you may have never heard of this film, It's images will sear into your soul, and you will remember why the Nazis were evil and nothing like them can EVER be allowed to happen again. This week, Yael Hersonski's devastating film A FILM U

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #13 - "TrollHunter"
May 24, 2012

THIS WEEK: It's a movie that we think will be a modern day classic, and one of those truly rare finds - a really GOOD 'found footage' film - 2011's excellent Norwegian import, TROLLHUNTER!

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #12 - "Star Trek: The Motion Picture"
May 10, 2012

THIS WEEK:Another month has gone by, but now we're back and here to stay! This week, we tackle one of fandom's most controversial films - it brought a classic back, but in ways that many fans weren't all that happy's "STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTU

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #11 - "Some Like It Hot"
April 11, 2012

THIS WEEK: Sorry we've been away for a month, but it couldn't be helped - and there'll be plenty of great festival coverage in May to prove it. But for now, back to our classic films,and this one TRULY is a classic - one of Kim's all time faves and a film

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #10 - "Clerks"
March 15, 2012

THIS WEEK: It was the film that launched the career of the director/writer who became a cult phenom, as well as characters that also stuck in the minds of Gen X fans everywhere - Kevin Smith's debut feature, CLERKS!

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #9 - 2012 Best Picture Oscar - "The Artist"
February 29, 2012

THIS WEEK: We launch our first annual tradition on SCMF, doing the year's Academy Award winner for Best Picture - come with TC and Kim as they take an indepth look at the most unbelievable of all winners - a black and white silent film, the first such fil

Subject:CINEMA MICRO Focus #8 - "The Rocky Horror Picture Show"
February 22, 2012

THIS WEEK: We delve into cult classics for the first time, with one of Kim's favorites...and one whose cult really confounds TC...the fandom surrounding "THE ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW" completely astonishes him. No hate mail, please...:-)