Supply Chain Innovators

Supply Chain Innovators

Dr Dewett Talks about Motivation, Collaboration and Feedback

June 26, 2012

In this episode of Supply Chain Innovations Today, Dr Brady had a chance To catch up with a former colleague, Dr. Todd Dewett.  They talk about the power of motivation (and the downside-demotivation) and how leaders should lead in collaborative environments.  The conversation is fast paced, and chock full of nuggets! If you don't get them all the first time, listen again, or just go get the transcript! He cuts to the chase in everything he says, and when asked about collaboration, he says:   If you are talking about getting people to take the risks associated with opening up and collaborating, feeling mutually motivated within a team in one organization, it's a tough enough conversation... When you want to build a trusting relationship, don't beat around the bush. Start talking about the risks that are at play and how the two of you can work together and mitigate them for each other. Dr. Dewett is an author, scholar, professor, speaker, radio show host, caffeine addict, tattoo aficionado, and Harley Davidson nut. He is the author of the Little Black Book of Leadership and the creator of He has consulted with, trained, spoken to, and coached thousands of professionals all over the country.   Download now:   Media_URL:    00:00 Drupal.settings.mediafront = Drupal.settings.mediafront || {};jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings.mediafront, {"mediafront_podcastnodeplayer_6":{"id":"mediafront_podcastnodeplayer_6", "debug":false, "disptime":0, "duration":0, "volume":80, "wmode":"transparent", "preload":true, "autoplay":false, "autoload":true, "scrollMode":"auto", "scrollSpeed":20, "showPlaylist":true, "vertical":true, "node":{"mediafiles":{"media":{"media":[ {"path":"http:\u002F\\u002FSCIT\\u002Ffiles\u002Faudio\u002F28_Dewett_1.mp3", "extension":"mp3", "filemime":"", "class":"media", "type":"audio", "file":{"path":"http:\u002F\\u002FSCIT\\u002Ffiles\u002Faudio\u002F28_Dewett_1.mp3"}, "stream":"", "mimetype":"audio\u002Fmpeg", "mediaType":"media"} ]}}, "title":"Dr Dewett Talks about Motivation, Collaboration and Feedback"}, "playlist":"", "pageLimit":10, "preset":"podcastnodeplayer", "autoNext":true, "shuffle":false, "loop":false, "logo":"http:\u002F\\u002Fsites\u002Fall\u002Fmodules\u002Fmediafront\u002Fplayers\u002Fosmplayer\u002Fplayer\u002Flogo.png", "swfplayer":"http:\u002F\\u002Fsites\u002Fall\u002Fmodules\u002Fmediafront\u002Fplayers\u002Fosmplayer\u002Fplayer\u002Fminplayer\u002Fflash\u002Fminplayer.swf", "link":"http:\u002F\", "width":"100%", "height":"450px", "template":"default", "playlistOnly":false, "disablePlaylist":true, "controllerOnly":true, "volumeVertical":true, "plugins":[ ]}}); Category: SCToday PodcastClick: <B>Click on "Read More" to go listen or download the Podcast.</B>