Supply Chain Innovators

Supply Chain Innovators

CPFR and the KC-135

June 11, 2012

The roots of Supply Chain Innovations Today go back to our founder's time in the US Air Force. In the Air Force, Dr Brady started as a logistician, working with the KC-135 and the FB-111A (and later the B1-B). During that time, and later at the Air Mobility Command as the Command's Reliability and Maintainability Manager, Dr Brady supported the operations and the modernization of the KC-135 aircraft.  Dr Brady had no problem stepping up to interview Paul Woodlief from the Defense Logistics Agency about the KC-135 and the continuing efforts between DLA and the USAF to support the airframe well into the middle of this new century. Not surprisingly, the Air Force and DLA found it necessary to apply the lessons and processes of the VICS Guidelines for Collaboration, Planning and Replenishment (CPFR) to meet the growing challenges of supporting the aging airframe.   Whether you are in the Department of Defense, or just want to learn about the value of collaboration, give this podcast a listen. Download now: KC-135 and CPFR (Transcript available)   Media_URL:    00:00 Drupal.settings.mediafront = Drupal.settings.mediafront || {};jQuery.extend(Drupal.settings.mediafront, {"mediafront_podcastnodeplayer_8":{"id":"mediafront_podcastnodeplayer_8", "debug":false, "disptime":0, "duration":0, "volume":80, "wmode":"transparent", "preload":true, "autoplay":false, "autoload":true, "scrollMode":"auto", "scrollSpeed":20, "showPlaylist":true, "vertical":true, "node":{"mediafiles":{"media":{"media":[ {"path":"http:\u002F\\u002FSCIT\\u002Ffiles\u002Faudio\u002F26_KC-135_CPFR.mp3", "extension":"mp3", "filemime":"", "class":"media", "type":"audio", "file":{"path":"http:\u002F\\u002FSCIT\\u002Ffiles\u002Faudio\u002F26_KC-135_CPFR.mp3"}, "stream":"", "mimetype":"audio\u002Fmpeg", "mediaType":"media"} ]}}, "title":"CPFR and the KC-135"}, "playlist":"", "pageLimit":10, "preset":"podcastnodeplayer", "autoNext":true, "shuffle":false, "loop":false, "logo":"http:\u002F\\u002Fsites\u002Fall\u002Fmodules\u002Fmediafront\u002Fplayers\u002Fosmplayer\u002Fplayer\u002Flogo.png", "swfplayer":"http:\u002F\\u002Fsites\u002Fall\u002Fmodules\u002Fmediafront\u002Fplayers\u002Fosmplayer\u002Fplayer\u002Fminplayer\u002Fflash\u002Fminplayer.swf", "link":"http:\u002F\", "width":"100%", "height":"450px", "template":"default", "playlistOnly":false, "disablePlaylist":true, "controllerOnly":true, "volumeVertical":true, "plugins":[ ]}}); Category: SCToday PodcastVoVClick: Click on "Read More" to go listen or download the Podcast.