scientists at work

scientists at work

scientist 60: the astronomer – Paul Fellows explains why (2014)

July 30, 2018

What is about the study of the stars that captivates so many? Paul Fellows of the Cambridge Astronomical Association fills us in and updates us on news. Hear about dark matter, isotopes, space probes and his association’s weekly events in Cambridge. All ages are welcome to join a weekly astronomy star gazing event (when skies permit) at the Institute of Astronomy off Madingley Road. Every Wednesday at 7pm in University term time. Car park near the entrance on the right. Walk on to the Hoyle Building. See the Cambridge Institute of Astronomy and click on Public talks (
Follow-up link to Cambridge Astronomical Association

* Join the mailing list
* Join the association at
* Mondays – Cambridge Young Astronomers age 11+ group; Thursdays – Cambridge Young Astronomers age 7-11 group

Tagged 105science, astronomy, environment, science, dark matter, isotopes, space probes, technology