The Science of Happiness

The Science of Happiness

SH39 Desiring the End of Desire

April 17, 2013

Desire to end our unhappiness is a great motivator, but isn't desire one of the things that stops us from being happy according to Buddhist philosophy? Lama Marut explores this paradox in this episode recorded on Bintang Island in Singapore.

World renowned Tibetan Buddhist monk Venerable Lama Sumati Marut explains the most profound philosophical texts of Buddhism in lay person's terms with great humor and compassion.

Podcast taken from a Public talk given by Lama Marut called 'Developing and Discovering Your True Self', Dec 8th 2012 on Bintang Island, Singapore

You can listen to the full teaching at:

Asian Classics Institute of Los Angeles

Mahasukha Center

6512 Arizona Avenue

Los Angeles, CA 90045

Phone: (323) 617-3691

Science of  Happiness