Science Magazine Podcast

Science Magazine Podcast

Latest Episodes

Basic geoengineering, and autonomous construction robots
November 30, 2023

On this weeks show: Raising the pH of the ocean to reduce carbon in the air, and robots that can landscape

Exascale supercomputers amp up science, finally growing dolomite in the lab, and origins of patriarchy
November 23, 2023

On this weeks show: A leap in supercomputing is a leap for science, cracking the dolomite problem, and a book on where patriarchy came from

AI improves weather prediction, and cutting emissions from landfills
November 16, 2023

On this weeks show: What it means that artificial intelligence can now forecast the weather like a supercomputer, and measuring methane emissions from municipal waste

The state of Russian science, and improving implantable bioelectronics
November 09, 2023

Why so many researchers have left Russia, and using new materials to improve medical devices that go inside the body

Turning anemones into coral, and the future of psychiatric drugs
November 02, 2023

Why scientists are trying to make anemones act like corals, and why its so hard to make pharmaceuticals for brain diseases

Making corn shorter, and a book on finding India’s women in science
October 26, 2023

On this weeks show: why farmers might want shorter corn, and the latest in our series on books on sex, gender, and science

Making corn shorter, and a book on finding India’s women in science
October 26, 2023

Why farmers might want shorter corn, and the latest in our series on books on sex, gender, and scienceFirst up on this weeks show, Staff Writer Erik Stokstad joins host Sarah Crespi to talk about why it might make sense to grow shorter corn. It turns

The consequences of the world's largest dam removal, and building a quantum computer using sound waves
October 19, 2023

Restoring land after dam removal, and phonons as a basis for quantum computing

Mysterious objects beyond Neptune, and how wildfire pollution behaves indoors
October 13, 2023

On this weeks show: The Kuiper belt might be bigger than we thought, and managing the effects of wildfires on indoor pollution

How long can ancient DNA survive, and how much stuff do we need to escape poverty?
October 05, 2023

On this weeks show: Pushing ancient DNA past the Pleistocene, and linking agriculture to biodiversity and infectious disease