Sci-Fi Malady

Sci-Fi Malady

Latest Episodes

Symptom 276: The Augments
January 31, 2023

We finish off Trekkin Into the New Year with not one, not two, but three episodes about augments which winds up being not only essential Trek but sci-fi in general. Are you a fan of genetic engineering? Then this episode is for you. Are you a fan of My

Symptom 275: Similitude, It's A Clooooone!!!!
January 23, 2023

This episode is kind of a combo between Tuvok and Beyond the Pale Moon Light. But, dont let that fool you. Its actually a well-written piece of science fiction and Trek and is worthy of being called that name. Plus, it has a huge ethical dilemma, whic

Symptom 274: First Flight, Go Archer, Go Archer, Go!
January 19, 2023

This week, we learn how humanity achieved warp flight beyond warp two. Also, the Vulcans are jerks, again. Who knew?

Symptom 273: Enterprise, Carbon Creek. Not Saying It Was Vulcans, But Vulcans.
January 09, 2023

Ever wonder how velcro was invented? By a couple of Vulcans in Pennsylvania. For this Trekkin into the New Year, were starting off with episode two of season two of Enterprise, Carbon Creek. Also starting off the month is Ruks newest solo project,

Trekkin Into the New Year- Enterprise Style
January 03, 2023

Some might say we are getting to the bottom of the barrel. We would contend that those people have never seen anything Kurtzman Trek. There are some hidden gems in the series Enterprise. Maybe not many, but goramit we will find them and discuss them al

Symptom 272: Kin, Dennis Quaid Is In This?
December 30, 2022

After a contentious discussion last week, we are back to mostly agreeing. This mediocre to decent film was ruined by the ending, which brings into laser focus how little meat was actually in this animal.

Symptom 271: The Day After Tomorrow, This Movie Blows...Really.
December 25, 2022

Roland Emerich, you suck. On todays Malady, we once again see how Scott can overlook the most egregious of cinema feces so long as it brings humanity together to show the good side of people helping one another! So aspiring film creators, if you ever

Symptom 270: Frequency, Not That Often
December 13, 2022

This film was great. Despite some flaws we point out, it was great. Great symptom, nuff said. Except for that creepy sound that came through. Ruks looking into that.

Symptom 269: Innerspace, Honey I Shrunk the Quaid
December 03, 2022

This film freaked out little Rage as a kid. The thought of some pilot inside me, able to do damage, terrified me and honestly still does. At least Martin Short dances like a maniac.

Dennis Quaid December
December 02, 2022

We dont normally dedicate a month to an actor, but this guy has starred in some neat sci-fi flicks. We saw him in November with Enemy Mine and thought, what about his other films like Innerspace, Frequency, or Pandorum. Of course, theres some sucky on