School of Talk

School of Talk

Episode 16 – SoT watches Smokey and The Bandit

July 14, 2015

Hello Classmates!

We had ENTIRELY too much fun recording this episode!

To enjoy this episode properly, get yourself a copy of the brilliant 1977 film "Smokey and The Bandit" and follow Kevin's instructions in the intro to sync it with our commentary.

Notes and Links:

The cars - According to director Hal Needham in the DVD Documentary, Pontiac gave them three Trans-Ams and two Bonnevilles (Sheriff Justice's patrol car) for the film. Needham says that one of the Trans-Ams was completely destroyed during the famous bridge jump scene and that with all the damages the Lemans sustained, they eventually had to piece all three bodies together to make one Bonneville.

Bridge Jump - The Trans-Am used for the bridge jump was completely wrecked after the successful jump.

Enos ages - Pat McCormick (Big Enos Burdette) was only 13 years older than Paul Williams (Little Enos Burdette).

Cher "Half Breed" (

BJ and the Bear opening credits (

ADR definition (

Sally is 68 (

Diablo Sandwich scene - Jackie Gleason said the cafe scene with himself and Burt Reynolds was not in the original story, it was Gleason's idea.

The Diablo Sandwich scene (

The Great One (

Alice is no shrinking violet (

CB Lingo (

Why did hippies call cops Pigs - During protests in the 60s and 70s, riot police wore gas masks that resembled a pig snout. (One of MANY theories)