Schlock Magazine

Schlock Magazine

Schlock’s Podcast #16 – Disney, Star Wars, Flash Fiction

December 14, 2012

So, the Schlock podcast returns.

It's been quite a while, we admit. You see, a retreat was taken, far in the woods. There the Schlock team cleansed, meditated and had simple team building exercises of a violent variety. Was it worth the trouble? No idea really, but a somewhat revamped podcast format was decided upon - leaner, meaner, straight(er) to the point. And here is the first podcast following that format!

Our flash fiction recordings have been given the musical treatment by friend of Schlock and past podcast contributor Danjeli, while Teodor and Marco take a few minutes to discuss Disney's acquisition of a small company called Lucasfilm. You might have heard of it and its best product, Star Crash, the 1978 cult classic starring Caroline Munro in a fetching take on spacesuits.

Anyway, below be the timings. As usual, do let us know what you think, and make sure to leave a review either on the comments or on iTunes!

Flash Fiction

00:36 - Make Gentle by Pete Farrugia

o3:32 - Sun and Water by Daniel Vella


12:43 - Victims of a childhood gone wrong, Teodor and Marco have Star Wars on the brain. No wonder Disney's $4 billion acquisition of the franchise's creators caused them to sit together in discussion. Talk on classic Disney animation, speculation behind said acquisition and references to Joseph Campbell abounds. Required reading: A New Hope Indeed, Teodor's recent post on the same topic.

Special thanks go to Danjeli, for providing the soundscapes for the podcast.

Be sure to subscribe to Schlock’s podcast on iTunes.