The SBK Live Show

The SBK Live Show

@SBKLIVE Episode 149- I'm a Rapper

June 03, 2015

Episode 149 notes
SCOTUS rules in favor of rapper who threatened wife and kids on Facebook.
Orlando Magic got a new coach.
Orlando City Soccer is paying for their new stadium.
Kevin is tired of the Jameis Winston crab leg jokes.
Kevin notes how the times they are a-changing regarding attitudes towards the LGBT community.
Matt tells a story about someone he knows who has a friend getting a sex change operation.
Caitlyn Jenner is crushing Twitter records.
What's Buzzing on the Net with Angel
- Iggy Azalea cancels her 2015 tour due to a "creative change of heart."
- California porn workers might have to start wearing protective eyewear.
- FBI is operating a small surveillance airforce in our country to spy on us without permission.
- A new Mad Max is coming.
- Eminem released a new song.
- Spin Magazine top 50 albums of the year.
Some talk about new TV shows to wrap the show.
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Notes by Chris Crespo