Say Yes Podcast

Say Yes Podcast

118: Saying No with Anjie Cho

August 08, 2016

I believe many of you would agree that there are simply too many things that are happening in our life. We have too many things to deal with, too many choices to choose, too many decisions to make. So how can we inject more positive energy and more yes-es into our life? As strange as it may sound, saying no is actually one of the ways to saying more yes-es in our life. How so? Our guest today will tell you her story of saying no, and how it has impacted her life.
I’m really happy to have Anjie Cho here today as our guest. Anjie is a licensed practicing architect and Feng Shui expert. She uses Feng Shui and holistic design principles to help people create holistic home and work spaces. Anjie is here today to share with us her experience in saying no.
Wait, what?
Why are we talking about saying no in this podcast which is all about saying yes? Well, I think Anjie has really nailed it when she said: “Saying no to something really means saying yes to something else”. We all have limited time, and by saying no to certain areas in our life, we are essentially opening the doors to other yes-es in our life.
In today’s interview, Anjie talks about her work experience and how saying no has transformed her life. By listening to today’s episode, you’ll learn about:

* Her story back when she was working as a freelance architect.
* How her busy work schedule inevitably pushes her to say no.
* The thought process that led to her decision to pursue her own architecture
* How her life has transformed after learning how to say no to the less exciting stuff in life, and saying yes to other areas in life that she is more interested in.
* How saying no to a routine, scheduled life allows her to learn the true meaning of freedom.

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