Say Yes Podcast

Say Yes Podcast

112 : Learning how to use string instruments with Shari Broder

August 01, 2016

We all have something that we wanted to learn, maybe a skill that you wanted to master, or a knowledge that you wanted to learn about, yet we are always putting it off because it is not a priority to us. And by the time you really want to learn it, you think it’s too late.
But is it really too late?
I personally believe that you can learn anything you want if you really want to. Age and timing are irrelevant. What truly matters is your solid determination and your burning desire to learn. Not convinced? Just listen to today’s episode and you’ll understand that age is really just a number, and you can achieve anything you want if you put in the effort. That sense of pride you felt afterwards is simply amazing!
Today’s guest is Shari Broder and she is an arbitrator and mediator since 1992, and she is currently a life coach. She is here today to share about her story and her journey of learning new musical instrument.
At the age of 66, Shari has managed to learn how to play two string instruments – Ukulele and Bass Guitar. Putting what she has learned into practice, she is able to join and play in a band with experienced musicians.
In this episode, you’ll be able to listen to Shari as she talks about:

* What inspires her to learn how to play string instruments.
* How she get started on her first string instrument – Ukulele.
* The ways and methods that she took to learn how to play the Ukulele.
* How she felt great about performing on stage with a band.
* How learning something new at the age of 66 made her realize that given enough time, she can achieve anything she wanted.

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