SaYWorD Radio

SaYWorD Radio

Latest Episodes

Money in the Bank ( Aired 1-26-12) - Jun 01,2012
May 31, 2012

On a fun note this week: If you won the lotto for $50 million, what would you do and how would you spend it? Also, When it comes to managing money –– who is better men or women and why? And lastly, regarding love: which one better keeps a rel

Should abortion include a man’s choice (AiredFeb 24,2012) - May 25,2012
May 24, 2012

Women fight for the right to have control over their body and to know whatever decision they make is absolutely their choice. When that choice is about an abortion, should the man have an option? The contemplation whether to terminate a pregnancy has to

Hip-Hop & Education w/ Recording Artist "Lak" - May 18,2012
May 17, 2012

SaYWord Family, Hip-hop Recording Artist Larry Henderson A.K.A. “Lak”, pronounced Lock… like lock and key, will be a special guest this Thursday. This will be a great segment for all ages. Lak is not your typical hip-hop artist. He is known as

Why women are not finding good men? - May 11,2012
May 10, 2012

SaYWorD Radio family tonight's topic Live tonight at 8pm “Why women can't find good men”. We will hit on this very controversial subject due to the lack of understanding each other needs. Women are saying “There are no good men out there and if the

Free your mind Thursday!! - May 04,2012
May 03, 2012

Tonight is " Free your mind Thursday" Call in and talk about anything on your mind. Broadcasting live tonight 5/3/12 8pm @ or listen straight from your phone @ 714-364-4720..

All work and know play - Apr 27,2012
April 26, 2012

Young upcoming rapper that opened for major artist visits the SayWord Family! Thursday 4/26, we'll be having LIL Wes visiting our SayWord family. LIL Wes is a talented 11yr old rapper and song writer, whom writes his own music. LIL Wes opened up for majo

Things you need to know about Cancer! - Apr 20,2012
April 19, 2012

Cancer is becoming more and more common. What do you know about Cancer? Do you know any cancer symptoms? This Thursday we will have Dr. Ernesto Ayala from Moffitt Cancer Center on to answer questions and to bring awareness to the SayWord family on preven

The value of Black life? - Apr 06,2012
April 05, 2012

Live Tonight 8pm EST Trayvon, the martyr, is what people will call him. The death of Trayvon has electrified not just his family, community, or race. All around the world there are sympathizers of his killing. Supports are from California to New York &nd

Enough-is-Enough - Mar 30,2012
March 29, 2012

Join us tonight 8 pm EST live. We will be discussing the Trayvon's Martin death and Tanya McDowell – the homeless lady that got 5-yrs in prison for sending her 5-yr old child to a school district where she "surprise" didn't have permanent residence

How do you feel about America? - Mar 16,2012
March 15, 2012

This week we ask the question "How do you feel about America and being an American? Is there a such thing called “American Values” – and are we starting to stray more towards or from such values? Also listen to and discuss Obama's new documenta