Savage Bloggers Network

Savage Bloggers Network

SBN News: Episode 023

December 21, 2015

* A Patch Returns, A Sale Winds Down
* New ETU Adventure: Horror for the Holidays
* A.E.G.I.S. Actual Play Podcast

* Milestone 1.1 - The Shadow of Mars
* Savage Worlds Rules Overview

* Nemezis: Cyborgs
* Rifles of Atlantis
* Savage Lairs - Fantasy Forests
* A FREE GIFT FOR MY PEEPS! (Low Life Poster)
* Broken Earth Map
* Finished Map of Hell for Codex Infernus
* Walking Towns: A Savage Supplement for The Widening Gyre
* Sanguine Solstice: One Sheet
* Zombies It Is
* Zombie Run: Todd Breitenstein Memorial Edition
* The Italian Job
* Savage Worlds Spanish Trailer