Saturday Morning Cocktails

Saturday Morning Cocktails

Episode 36: The Home Brewing

February 23, 2014

Well guys, I fucked up, and I feel as though I need to explain myself. There’s a point when you reach a certain level of fame where the public spotlight gets to be too intense, too consuming, and for me that point was right after Episode 35. The pressure to continue churning out hit after hit got to be too much for me and I buckled.  I needed a breather; to step away from the chaos of recording which had become my existence. It’s been a few months and I can say, now, with a clear head, that it feels great to be back. I feel a renewed vigor and look forward to bringing you, the fans, the show that you have come to love and respect.

This episode was recorded some time ago but it holds up as if it happened yesterday (Saturday) morning. It was a panel cast featuring Jake “the snake,” Tom “the guppy” Hegstad and Lauren. Not to mention your two handsome hosts. It is our long awaited beer tasting cast and I don’t care what anybody says, it certainly is not the February of episodes. This episode also serves as the catalyst for Tom’s new side business Home Bread (c), coming soon.

So as always, loyal listeners, treat yoself to a drink and let our soothing voices take you away on a trip of aural innebriation.