Sandbox Cooperative Podcast

Sandbox Cooperative Podcast

Episode 87 | Weaving Voices Together

July 24, 2019

In today’s episode, we’ll hear from two women who represented the Women and Justice social statement at the National Youth Gathering in Houston, Texas last summer. We had the chance to sit down with them and learn a lot about the process of creating a social statement and why this one is especially important. As you’ll hear in the episode, in the ELCA, the Lutheran church organization that hosted this gathering, a social statement is a document that explains how Lutherans live out their understandings of God in relationships to one another. And while these particulars are very Lutheran and ELCA-centric, the process and the topic are much more broad - how are we addressing patriarchy and the role of women in all of our social concerns, no matter our religious background, and how can we discuss this with the people around us who may agree or disagree?