Becoming the Light from the Shadows of Abuse

Becoming the Light from the Shadows of Abuse

A Gift in every situation? – Elizabeth Lily

May 07, 2020
Hear incredible stories from women who have overcome extreme trauma in their lives, to live the life they deserve!

In this episode hear from Elizabeth Lily, Spiritual Coach and Master Healer.

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Please share with anyone who needs to hear these messages of hope and inspiration.

Here's an extract from Elizabeth's Bio

Twenty years ago Elizabeth Lily lost almost everything there is to lose. She was depressed and suffered from anxiety and panic attacks. One day she tried to commit suicide, but survived. That day she decided to turn her life around and do everything to find happiness again. That decision led her on a twenty-year-long journey of personal development.

Now she is a Transformational Life Coach and Master Energy Healer. She is passionate about helping others get over difficult life events and go for their dreams, with her unique combination of Emotional Freedom Technique, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Hypnosis and energy work. These are the same tools that got her out of depression, helped her overcome an abusive relationship and made her decide to never settle for anything but the best. Now she lives her dream in the south of Spain, together with the love of her life.

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The link to the free EFT-guide: