Sales Marketing Profit

Sales Marketing Profit

12 – The Roll Up - Sales Marketing Profit

October 21, 2014

Skilled copywriter Kevin Rogers didn't lack for work. In fact, he was on the verge of burnout and at a loss on how to scale his copywriting service. James pointed him towards a business model that was scalable, more profitable, and less demanding to maintain while delivering massive value to more people.

In this episode:

01:32 - The comedian turned copywriter
02:17 - A problem of scalability
04:01 - Hello, burnout
05:36 - The framework that made the difference
07:42 - Getting the right domain
08:17 - Setting it all up (the tech side)
10:12 - Everything in one place
13:35 - Shaking the tree
15:36 - Kevin then and now
17:15 - The top 5 lessons
17:45 - Why having a coach is key to success
19:47 - The drawback of feedback
21:09 - 100 members in 4 days
22:12 - Like having a child
24:10 - From “time for money” to recurring income
24:27 - Be mediocre or go epic?
26:31 - Roll it up and clean house
27:01 - James' prescription
28:38 - In closing

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Celebrate the adrenaline rush from building something epic. [Click To Tweet]
Short term pain for long term gain [Click To Tweet]
Resist the urge to ask for feedback. [Click To Tweet]


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