Sales Lead Management Radio

Sales Lead Management Radio

Building a Company Based on the Inner Athlete

June 05, 2020

Whether we were on a team requiring competent levels of motor skills, strength, power, speed, agility, balance, coordination, and endurance, or in a company or club where we work together, and make a personal sacrifice for the collective benefit of our friends or colleagues there are common themes to the success of the team. SquadLocker founder and CEO Gary Goldberg lives these values, encourages them within SquadLocker, but also in his daily life. He and our host, Susan Finch both admit they were probably tied for last place for being chosen to be on teams as they were growing up. But, there are so many ways our children can learn the value of a good mentor, coach, and team experience that will set them up to be the one EVERYONE is vying for them. 
Some of the values covered in this episode include these pointers for success:
Never play the victim.
Never react impulsively.
Don't take it personally.
Take your losses and move on.
Turn criticism into an opportunity.
Celebrate the wins, but there is no need to peacock in the endzone - humility is a wonderful trait.
Perseverance, dedication, desire, communication, teamwork, leadership skills, motivation, learning from failures, putting the team first, keeping out the parasites (hat tip to Chris Beall), and handling criticism are all qualities of a person we want to have on our team, and in our companies.
Malcolm Lemmons tells us, "Many times, the most successful athletes aren’t the ones with the most talent and skills, but rather they are the ones who can be the most persistent and mentally tough. They are the ones who put in the extra work when no one is watching and they are the ones who have the will to outlast their opponent. They will do anything to come out on top and it is no different in entrepreneurship."
Listen in. How do you feel about your own inner athlete? Are you the one who will show up every day, even when you don't feel like it?
About Susan's guest:
Gary Goldberg is a third-generation textile engineer who has enjoyed designing textile consumer products for some of the world's most recognized retailers and brands. He admits that he never reached star athlete status during his younger days, but recently has enjoyed learning to play Squash with his 3 teenage children. He is regularly beaten at pick up basketball by his two boys but claims he wants them to win. A native to New England, he resides in Providence, RI, and is the proud owner of a French Bulldog named Gallagher.