Sales Lead Management Radio

Sales Lead Management Radio

How Fractional CMOs are Changing the Game for B2B

April 06, 2020

Chief Marketing Officers’ average tenure continues to fall to approximately 3.5 years as the importance of the position has correspondingly increased.  Whether this turn-over can be attributed to career changes in a difficult labor market or impatience of CEOs, the demand for CMOs’ continues to grow. Add with the substantial complexity of the CMO’s job because of new technology offers and a corresponding shortage of skilled marketers, the end result is that many companies are falling behind in the marketing race. With the pressure for marketers to “out-market their competitors” has brought the demand for fractional or interim CMOs to fill vacancies in a critical job. 
To answer this need we interviewed Art Saxby, CEO of the largest Executive-as-a-Service firm providing outsourced Chief Marketing Officer services (fractional, interim, special project, and coaching). With over 100 hundred clients in any given month employing fractional and interim CMOs with Chief Outsiders national talent ranks, we asked Art about his company and the role of his CMO growth strategists.
Who uses fractional CMOs?
How does a company choose the CMO of their business?
Do you place full-time or just fractional CMOs?
I have heard that a fractional CMO costs no more than the employee cost (all in). Is this true?
How long does it take to get a CMO on the job?
What is the typical length of the engagement?
Does the fractional CMO typically have experience in the industry for the company that hires them or is this even necessary?
Are these fractional CMOs employees of Chief Outsiders?
If a company likes the fractional CMO, can they hire them away from Chief Outsiders?
What does a typical CMO cost for the hiring company?
About Art Saxby
Art Saxby is the founder and CEO of the country’s largest strategic growth implementation company focused on mid-size businesses. His firm, Chief Outsiders is an Executive-as-a-Service firm providing outsourced Chief Marketing Officer services (fractional, interim, special project, and coaching). 
About Chief Outsiders
Chief Outsiders supports growing or struggling companies by adding a market-focused senior executive to their leadership teams when the cost or complexity of full-time executive hires does not make sense. All 75+ CMOs at the firm have held positions of VP of Marketing at one or more major operating companies. The company has been recognized for its high growth by Inc magazine, being a recipient of the Inc 5000 award 6 years running, and was recognized by Forbes Magazine as one of the nation’s top 25 small businesses that put purpose over profits.
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SLMA Radio is hosted by James Obermayer of Funnel Media Group which is a program on the Funnel Radio Channel.  Funnel Media Group is the sponsor of SLMA Radio