Sailing Beyond Knowledge Podcast

Sailing Beyond Knowledge Podcast

Episode 56-New Earth Nation- Ecology and Conservation Faculty

May 07, 2014
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Carlita introduces one of the major mechanics in the foundation The New Earth Nation that some of you may have already heard about, specifically this podcast is focusing on what is happening behind the scenes with the Ecology and Conservation Faculty of New Earth Nation. Founded by  Sacha Stone, (A Special thank you to Sacha Stone for all your hard work), The New Earth Nation is florishing worldwide as a successful and proactive means for groundbreaking work building a new global blueprint merging human consciousness, ecology and alternative repressed sciences that will transform the world to a more peaceful and sustainable one of unity.

Thanks to the diligent and hard work of Anna Croizer for co-ordinating and leading inspiring meetings in the Ecology and Conservation Faculty, the team includes a large number of people with knowledgeable and expert skillsets. Many are ecological and sustainability entrepreneurs with vast experience in setting up sustainable communities from permaculture to building communities of villages of up to five thousand in India, listen to Prashant Brahmbhatt discuss all aspects of what makes and shapes a sustainable community and his work with The Global Intelligence Village Environment in India, as a model for other successful communities in the process of being set up worldwide. John Button contributes his permaculture insights and experiences to Prashant's work in India and Betsy Pool contributes her experience and knowledge from the Damanhur community in Italy.

We also discuss the situation in Ecuador and the latest urgent matters that need attention and help, in the future we hope to speak with Juan Pablo Saenz whom represented the famous case against Chevron/ Texaco. This is especially important with the news that the CNE have rejected the request from Yasunidos for a Referendum and vote on Oil Exploitation of Yasuni ITT and how we can implement solutions to this highly challenging situation of unfolding Ecocide. Noah David Skocilich whom is involved in facilitating TedX Talks in China and Carlita discuss the impact of China in relation to these environmental influences on Ecuador.

Take the time to listen to an inspiring and uplifting talk by New Earthers that care about the future of the planet and humanity with a motivated passion to creating and building the mechanics for sustainable solutions and technologies that we need to impliment now. Please share this podcast and to learn more about The New Earth Nation go to their website in the link below.

Digital Artwork by Sacha Stone, New Earth Nation  and Humanitad Founder.

The New Earth Nation

Prashant Brahmbhatt


Juan Pablo Saez

Evolve to Ecology

Michael Weatherhead Documentary Filmmaker Screenzone TV

Ubuntu Party - Get the latest on the Election results in S.Africa 

John Button Nature Designs