SAHDPod: The Stay At-Home Dad Podcast

SAHDPod: The Stay At-Home Dad Podcast

Latest Episodes

S02 E25 College Daze
December 28, 2017

Time to revisit our college days. Tonight we will compare and contrast our college our journies. Learn about nerdy Straight Edge frats, Magic the Gathering, gatherings, scooters in Chico, and trolling and catfishing before it was cool. Broadcast Live!

S02 E05.1 The First Week of Daylight Savings Time (A.K.A Worst Show Ever!)
December 23, 2017

The daylight savings changeover is enough to make any dad a bit loopy. Dealing with an out-of-wack toddler, along with all the other stuff, can turn you from a normal human being to a sleep deprived mental patient.

S02 E23 Conspiracy Theories & Pseudoscience
December 18, 2017

People love stuff on the fringe, and SAHDs are no exception. But do they really believe? In this show, our SAHDs talk Alien Coverups, Who killed JFK?, The illuminati, Moon Landing Hoax, Flat Earth, Twin Towers and much more.

S02 E22 Interview with the Cincinnati Dads Group
December 14, 2017

David McFee has a bit of a Google Hangouts chat with Cincinnati Dads Group organiser, Brock Lusch, and his fellow SAHDs, David McMillen and Christopher Leppert. Listen to what it’s like to be a dad/SAHD in Cincinnati,

S02 E21 Birthday Parties: Violence on Many Sides
December 12, 2017

Organising a birthday party can be an art form for the most gifted and saintlike of dads. Listen to how much time, planning and money our SAHDs put into their shindigs, in turn answering questions about serving beer, hiring lifeguards,

S02 E20 Live from Portland HomeDadCon 2017: Smashing the ManBox
December 11, 2017

As promised, Dan & Dave get stuck into a Live show from HomeDadCon Portland 2017.  Aided by the awesome Trevor Mulligan, they round up a few dads and discuss the Con and its content.  Tune in to hear all about hurricanes, natural and Tex-Mex induced.

S02 E19 Which potion would you drink? A tale of intrigue & enlightenment
October 28, 2017

As the meme goes, which potion would you drink? Do you want to stay young forever, breathe in the sea, become invisible anytime, have a billion (not trillion) dollars, or time travel anytime? Listen to our cast rank them in order,

S02 E18 The Funnies, Man! An Interview w/ Brian Gordon of Fowl Language Comics
October 24, 2017

Brian Gordon, author of Fowl Language Comics (a.k.a The Duck Guy), joins the SAHDPod guys for a frank discussion about ducks, poverty and Bulgarians.  Listen. Enjoy. Don’t take it all too seriously, because above anything in the whole wide world,

S02 E17 Abandoned SAHDs: Wives who travel and what that’s like
October 17, 2017

Many of us have wives that travel. So much so that we often feel like single dads. Listen as the guys discuss their abandonment issues. Broadcast Live! on Mixlr 8th August, 2017 10:00 PM ET Hosted Live by: David McFee Panel: Mike Ryan Simonovich,

S02 E16 Ow! My Balls! (A.K.A Snipping SAHD)
August 02, 2017

Vasectomies are the SAHD’s only hope of breaking free from the SAHDLife. Listen to newly minted eunuch David Zaveloff discuss his pain, while the others laugh and point as they relate how easy it was for them. Nooses on penises aside,