My Weight Lose Journey on the No Struggle Weight Loss Program

My Weight Lose Journey on the No Struggle Weight Loss Program

Avoiding Temptation

April 04, 2014

MFP friend gave me an grate Idea have a challenge each week to get people motivated and
Not giving in to temptation is one of the key
Temptation is never far away when you're trying to lose weight. But if you plan ahead and maintain a flexible attitude, diet danger zones need not stop you achieving your target.
It's the moment someone trying to lose weight dreads: your friends are heading for a takeaway after a night out. What do you do?
You don't want to look like a killjoy, but you don't want to jeopardise the weight loss you've achieved so far either.
 It's the moment someone trying to lose weight dreads: your friends are heading for a takeaway after a night out. What do you do?
Danger zone planning
The trick is to ensure that indulgence doesn't become the norm. You can do that by being aware of the weight loss danger zones and planning ahead.
And if you do slip up, remember that you can get back on track: there's no need to give up.
Know your eating triggers
Often, it's emotional triggers that lead to overeating.
Nicola Wraight, spokesperson for a major weight loss organisation, says the key is recognising your eating triggers.
"It's important to identify the specific emotions that initiate overeating and develop strategies to cope without using food," she says. "If you're stressed, try treating yourself to a manicure or going for a walk.
"There are also trigger environments like the cinema, where you can buy popcorn, chocolate and sweets. But you can minimise the likelihood of overeating by planning ahead and taking healthier snacks with you.
Be flexible
Planning ahead should not mean being rigid about weight loss.
a flexible approach to controlling calories is much more sensible. just makes more sence to me
i have been looking at my food diary and found out that i have been under calories budget for over 90% of the time which is grate and i have set myself a  90/10 target
where 90% good and 10% bad in all of my weeks but you can set it to a months
It's your choice
When it comes to eating and drinking, you can always exercise choice.
"Stop, think and make a conscious choice before you eat," says Lyndel Costain. "Really choosing whether you eat something will stop you feeling deprived and reduce the risk of destructive 'all or nothing' thinking that says you must either stick to an extremely rigid diet, or no diet at all.
"View setbacks as learning opportunities that help you do things differently next time.
"Don't go it alone: find support and guidance. Talk to your GP if you feel you need additional support." or join in with our friends in our community on myfitness pal
Link to archel for
Goals for last hood or bad
New mini goals
Your mind set .... need to be the riggt mood
Dealing with diabetes and controlling it with your diet
Final Thought
 I will leave you with some words of encouragement to lift your spirits and keep you going.
Sometimes you feel like giving up and than no one believes in you, but I believe in you. I may not know who you are or what your story may be,I believe in you.
It is better to take many small steps in the right direction than to make a great leap forward only to stumble backward.” ~Old Chinese Proverb
The post Avoiding Temptation appeared first on Struggle to Diet.