SparksRadio: Rusted Film Report

SparksRadio: Rusted Film Report

Rusted Film Report: Don’t Poke Pierre Michel

February 25, 2014

If someone asked me how to describe Pierre Michel, I would simply respond with one simple
word…”No.” And that’s because a man like Pierre needs no introduction. His work speaks volumes.
At times when inspiration can be tough to find, look no further than “Fire Flower,” or “Omega,” and once your mind-gasm is blown, I’ll up the stakes by telling you where all of his inspiration comes from (no, it doesn’t come from his French accent…although I’m certain it doesn’t hurt). Give up? He gets his ideas (and I hear he literally has thousands) just like anyone else!
No sorcery. No prophetic visions. Pierre Michel gets his inspired by his dreams and experiences…Maybe that doesn’t blow your mind, but it certainly did for me…I mean, have you seen this guy’s work?
The takeaway here, is that it doesn’t matter where you get your inspiration from. Just use it (but listen to the show first).
Pierre’s website.
Pierre’s vimeo.

Fire Flower by Pierre Michel from Pierre MICHEL on Vimeo.

Omega by Pierre MICHEL from Pierre MICHEL on Vimeo.