Searchlights from the Scriptures

Searchlights from the Scriptures

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A Dream Come True (Almost) - Genesis 42
May 01, 2017

Audio Twenty years is a long time. And that is approximately how many years had passed since Joseph and his brothers last saw each other. You recall the details of that encounter. Joseph had been sent by his father to check up on his brothers, who were su

Can We Find a Man Like This? (Genesis 39-41)
April 23, 2017

AudioWe return today to our series on the Essential 100 passages of Scripture, and we pick up with the story of Joseph where we left off in Chapter 37. In our study of the Bible, we rarely encounter a man of Joseph’s caliber. Even in his own lifetime, h

Always Springtime and Never Easter (1 Corinthians 15:12-26)
April 17, 2017

Audio In C. S. Lewis’ beloved story, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, we learn early on about the curse of the White Witch. She is said to have “all Narnia under her thumb. It’s she that makes it always winter. Always winter and never Chr

The King Comes Weeping (Luke 19:28-48)
April 10, 2017

Audio Today is Palm Sunday, the beginning of Holy Week on the Christian Calendar, and the day that commemorates Jesus’ entry into the city of Jerusalem for the final time during His earthly life and ministry. As Jesus came into the city, He was ful

The Story of a Son (Genesis 37)
April 02, 2017

AudioEssential 100.11The Story of a SonGenesis 37 In our study of the Essential 100 texts of the Bible, we have crossed the 10% mark. As we have made our way through Genesis, we have seen a continual narrowing of the plot line, from God’s dealings with

The Path of Reconciliation (Genesis 32-33)
March 26, 2017

Audio The German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer wrote of the porcupine’s dilemma. He said that when it is cold, a group of porcupines might huddle together for warmth. But, the closer they get to one another, they begin to prick one another with t

Securing the Blessing (Genesis 25-28)
March 19, 2017

Audio Important words can get overused and misused, causing them to lose the thrust of their original meaning. A few days ago, I was talking with someone about the word “pious.” At one time, this was the highest compliment that one could hope to

God Will Provide a Lamb (Genesis 21:1-7; 22:1-18)
March 12, 2017

Audio As we study our Bibles, sometimes we come across passages that strike us as, well, for lack of a better word, a little weird. We are so far removed from many of the manners and customs of the ancient world that we have a hard time relating to w

Fear, Faith, and the Future (Genesis 15:1-21)
March 05, 2017

Audio There are probably not three words that are more relevant to our present day than these: fear, faith, and future. Every evening on the news and every day in the papers and on social media, we read about people who are afraid. They are afraid of

Walking By Faith (Genesis 12:1-20)
February 19, 2017

Audio The Bible is a book of books and a story of stories. It is the story of people who lived long ago and far away, and yet, at the same time, it is our story, here and now. The narrative flows in the shape of an hourglass. It begins broad and wide