Mornings From The Cabin

Mornings From The Cabin

Latest Episodes

#78: Do you have the courage to start saying "No!" to yourself?
January 10, 2020

We're always told... say "No!" to other people. But how often do you do inner reflection and say "No!" to yourself. I'm not talking about saying "No!" to hiking that trail that looks too steep, or "No!" to that mango carrot granola bar because you don't .

#77: Farewell to the decade, onward to 2020
December 30, 2019

In this year-ending episode I reflect on a decade as an entrepreneur and how I've changed my approach to doing business toward the end of the decade and how I'll focus on the future

#76: Where You Live Is Part of Your Branding Too
December 18, 2019

Because I work on the road so much helping other communities and downtowns located far from where I live, people often ask me about where I live, what's it's like, etc. They also ask if I have thought about moving closer to my target market. The conversa.

#75: Why I'm Taking a Break From Facebook
December 01, 2019

Well, I've finally decided to take a break from Facebook. I'm still actively using my other social media platforms. But I'm stepping away from my personal Facebook page for a break. Why? There are few reasons. In this episode, I share why I am doing it.

#74: Ack! I Need More Time!
November 06, 2019

Work has been super busy over the past month and I have spent many days away from home to do work in other communities. And that explains why I have gone a few weeks without a new One Minute Monday episode

#73: You Are Afraid To Be On Video! I Get It!
October 07, 2019

Putting yourself in front of the camera can be terrifying for many people. "What will they think of me?" "Will I sound silly?" "I look stupid on camera?" I've heard it all. I was once terrified of being on camera. But I took the leap years ago. What made.

#72: Your Business Is 'Popular' On Facebook. So What!!
September 16, 2019

Just because a business appears to be 'popular' on Facebook, it doesn't mean it is a successful business. I have seen many 'popular' businesses on Facebook fail in real life. I see businesses that are currently 'popular' on Facebook and know they are fai.

#71: That First Impression And Sense Of Welcoming In Your Town
August 26, 2019

I visit a lot of small towns as a professional speaker on marketing and social media. When you tour the towns, visit shops, and meet the people, you get a real snapshot of the sense of welcome. To anyone who says every small town is the same, I can tell .

#70: If you exist within a bubble, you'll lack perspective
August 19, 2019

I'm on vacation! That means I am roadtripping to towns and tourist destinations to experience how other communities are standing out. It's amazing what you see and learn by going beyond your own town's borders. When I travel across Ontario for speaking e.

#69: The Social Media Problem With People At The Top
July 29, 2019

When I do conference and workshop speaking, there's a common concern that I often hear from the employees who are in the trenches doing social media for their businesses or organizations. It goes like this: "I'm trying the best I can, but the people at t.
