Diagonally Through the Woods

Diagonally Through the Woods

Latest Episodes

I gots a list!
September 01, 2009

Alright, I’m finally home for awhile now, thank you passage of time. For the past month I feel like all I have been doing is packing a bag for another trip or stint away from home. Unfortunately, only one of my 3 stints were for recreational purpose

Highly Suggested
August 25, 2009

Alright, this post is purely to say that I finally finished the Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks and I must say, it was fantastic. After finishing the first few Harry Dresden books by Jim Butcher I realized one thing, I can no longer read books like I u

Explosive soup
August 24, 2009

By now many of you have seen District 9, and while I’m sure you have your very own opinion on the movie, I can assure you that unless you thought it was a killer flick you are wrong. You can talk about the “meaning” behind the film and w

Congratulations Andrew!
August 20, 2009

Some of you may recall Andrew, a fellow gamer and occasional co-host of DTW, but you may not have known he impregnated his wife some 9 months ago. All of his hard work those many moons ago finally came about, and the world is now one small tiny girl perso

Episode 22 – Jason’s Adventures in Story Gaming
August 18, 2009

Welcome to Episode 22 - Jason's Adventures in Story Gaming. In this episode Jason talks about his triumphs and misfortunes in story gaming. There isn't much structure to this episode since it consists of whatever runs out of Jason's mouth from one moment

Celebrate it, louder
August 11, 2009

I turned 26 the day G.I.Joe hit theaters, and after watching it… not such a great birthday present. It was alright, but the more I think about it the more I loathe it and want it to burn, so I’ve stopped thinking about it… mostly. I pers

Yeah Yeah
August 05, 2009

We realized that we haven’t put up a show on time this week and honestly, things might be a bit off kilter till we get on kilter ourselves. Due to the construction on Matt’s home and lazertag, we have gotten off schedule for our recordings and

Lime Popping
July 31, 2009

I had my first margarita on tuesday, and it tasted like magic. Something that I’ve had my eye on for awhile finally came out on the PSN, it’s about fat chicks. Beyond that we have played our first game of Mutants and Masterminds, I have no ide

July 30, 2009

Most of you wouldn’t know, unless you follw me on twitter, that I was away for a few days and thus not able to really post on the site.  I am back and will be back “on schedule” to giving you posts to read and mock. Here soon I’ll

Digital Squire – For the Digital Player
July 26, 2009

Knowing that the iplay4e application exists for the iPhone, I started searching for a desktop application for use with the character builder data. A couple Google searches later and I find Asmor.com and his scripts. Originally looking for an app to use wi