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RA070 | Tim Durbin: Conquering 7 Marathons on 7 Continents in 7 Days

February 17, 2015

Tim Durbin is a self-described world traveler and average runner, but he’s accomplished much over the past several months.

He completed seven marathons on seven continents in seven days in the World Marathon Challenge, which began with a 26.2-mile run on Union Glacier in Antarctica and ended 6 days and 20 hours later with a marathon finish in Sydney, Australia.

Each day he spent between four and six hours running, and nearly twice that much time traveling.

Durbin was the only American among 10 marathoners from around the world to run 183.4 miles within a seven-day period, and spend 59 hours in the air while flying approximately 23,612 miles.

He attracted major media attention for his accomplishment in both the US and around the world.

As if the World Marathon Challenge wasn’t enough, it’s actually only a small part of a bigger challenge that Durbin started two years ago.

In 2013, he started logging his miles for walking, running, cross country skiing and swimming in order to complete the distance around the equator - 24,901 miles before 2022.

He logged over 4,000 miles last year and is in the middle of a 70+ day run streak at the time of this recording.

In this episode, Tim shares his entire journey including:

From not being able to run a mile just 3 years ago to the World Marathon Challenge
How he arrived at wanting to do this challenge
How he made the time to train for this epic endurance challenge
What he did to keep his mind occupied through 4,000 miles of training without music
A recount of his entire journey through all 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days
Getting through the low points of fatigue, air travel, lack of sleep and endless miles
Running with major media coverage following along before the quest was done
Overcoming naysayers along the way to his goal
How he plans to complete his entire goal of 24,901 miles by 2022

Coaching Minute
What you can take away from Tim's journey in accomplishing your own aspirational running goals.
Success Quote
"Don't give up. Don't ever give up" -Jimmy Valvano
Links Mentioned in the Show - Tim's Blog
Jimmy V Foundation