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Runner Academy with Matt Johnson: Achieve Your Running Goal | 5K | 10K | Half Marathon | Marathon

RA051 | Mental Strategy, Preparation and Running Visualization with Dr. David Asp

April 29, 2014

Dr. Dave Asp is a Mayo Clinic Health System licensed psychologist with a specialization in sports performance enhancement.

He has additional training in clinical hypnosis and is member of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis. He is also an assistant coach for the high school cross country team where he resides in Red Wing, MN.

An endurance athlete himself, Dr. Asp is a marathoner, an Ironman triathlete and also races in cross country ski marathons.

He has worked with Hanson-Brooks elite athletes, Olympic Trial Qualifying marathoners, D1 college athletes, high school athletes, and recreational runners alike in both visualization and mental preparation for races.

Dr. Asp and I cover all areas of mental preparation, strategy and running visualization techniques including:

  • The concept of process goals vs. outcome goals – and which one you should focus on
  • Practicing reassuring coping thoughts and mechanisms
  • Having thoughts stored in your mind that can be accessed later when needed
  • How most people practice obeying their internal critic and how to change those false beliefs
  • The steps to an effective execution of a visualization exercise
  • How success can breed doubt, fear and anxiety
  • The concept of imposter syndrome and how to overcome it
  • Overcoming one bad workout shattering your confidence
  • Stopping the cycle of successive bad workouts or races and getting back on track
  • How to embrace discomfort and turn it into a positive rather than a negative
  • Is there a such thing as too much mental preparation

Bonus: Free Guided Visualization Exercise

Download a FREE 25 minute guided visualization from Dr. David Asp to guide you into a successful visualization.

Click Here to access this exclusive training.

Quick Tip

Strategies to adjust your training following a PR.

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