Rumours Of Worship

Rumours Of Worship

Travelling Light

May 28, 2016

I got up yesterday morning and thought of all the things I could do. I had one little phrase in my head. I thought, “I could write from that phrase. I haven’t written for a long time. Perhaps I have a story in me.” I sat down for about 5 hours and wrote. I abandoned the initial phrase, but it helped me to get started, so I am grateful for the one line.

Generally I have no idea where a story is going or where it will end up. About halfway through I thought, “This is for Mel”. Mel is our “Hamilton daughter” and this story is dedicated to her for her birthday. We are really proud of her walking towards Living Light.

BTW in case you are worried about it being a long story (seeing as it took me 5 hours to write) … have no fear, it’s way shorter than the time it took to write. In the middle of that time I did have to have tea, a few times, and also had a lovely visit from our son and his entourage which helped to refill my creative tank.