Rubbed the Wrong Way

Rubbed the Wrong Way

Aran Bright - Self Care - Rubbed the Wrong Way

May 01, 2017

AHHH Monday, you elusive beast. You’ve been tricking me all these public holidays have meant that I don’t even know what day it is. So, for your listening pleasure, here is Minisode Monday with Aran Bright talking all about self care and how important it is.

* Aran gives his 4 top tips on how to easily take care of you and how thoes tips can be easily transferred on to helping your clients.

We talk about: How it’s important to look after you first and foremost.
How focusing on 3 seconds of your out breath can help you focus better.
How to do an internal deep dive
and the 4 basic moves you need to really take care of you.
Keen to find out more download the hand out Self Care Heck Yeah! or connect with Aran at Bright Health Training