Routes and Relationships Podcast

Routes and Relationships Podcast

EP69 Tips For Being A Great Coach & Major Challenges In New Marriages

October 23, 2018

Today's episode is a repost of a very popular show we did.  It tackles the topic of being a great youth coach and the challenges of new marriages and how to avoid them. The 1st half we break down 7 characteristics of being a great youth football coach. On the 2nd half of the show, we tackle the eight challenges of new marriages and what you can do to avoid the pitfalls.
1ST Half
* Instructional Development
* Delegation
* Respect to Officials
* Positive Reinforcement
* Communicate Expectations
* Know your athlete
2ND Half
* Growing Apart
* Happily ever after
* Finances
* Sacrifice/Compromise
* Responsibilities
* Perspective
* Identity
* Intimacy