Routes and Relationships Podcast

Routes and Relationships Podcast

EP65 – Signs You’re Addicted To Sports & Signs You’re Addicted To Love

October 09, 2018

Today's episode tackles the issue of addiction, both in sports and in relationships. In the 1st half of the show, we break down the signs that you, or your child, are addicted to sports. In the 2nd half of the show, we break down the signs that you are addicted to love.

1st Half - Sports Addiction
SPONSOR - Fix It Protect It dot com
For Parents
* Sports dominates the topic
* Forcing your child to play sports without a conversation
* Grades come second
* You're stressed out over child's play
For Children
* All Sports and Nothing Else

2nd Half - Love Addiction - Constant search for "the one". Chances are you are more in love with the idea of love, than actually being in love with the right person.
SPONSOR - Great Travel Life dot com
* You mistake great sex for love
* Looking for the next relationship
* trouble maintaining a relationship once the novelty is worn off.
* Choose partners who need attention and don't reciprocate
* Do things you have no enjoyment in doing
* You have trouble leaving a relationship you should leave
Joke Of The Day