Rosemary’s Ladies: A Horror Movie & Bad Movie Review Podcast

Rosemary’s Ladies: A Horror Movie & Bad Movie Review Podcast

Ep. 17 Trick 'r Treat aka The Halloween Cheermeister

October 07, 2018

What do we want? MORE LADY WEREWOLVES! When do we want them? NOW! Check your candy kids and never go to strangers house’s while trick or treating (even though that’s the entire point of the activity). To kick-off the happiest time of the year,  we watch our first listener suggested movie, “Trick R Treat!” Put on your holiday best and join us as we discuss jackie-o’s, knife collecting, and spreading the holiday cheer. Subscribe and rate us on Itunes or we’ll come by your house and blow out your jack-o -lanterns causing you certain doom! #nodoghorror #nounderthebedhorror #noonthebedhorror #noachillesheelhorror

Stats/info: 2007 Directed by Michael Dougherty, starring Anna Paquin, Dylan Baker, Brian Cox, and Quinn Lord

Geeky Girl Scents:

(Intro music from