Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Coming in for a landing on a wing and a page

September 01, 2020

So, today, we’re coming in for a landing. Because this subject comes up a lot when I’m hanging out or talking on the phone with my business friends and clients. And no, I’m not actually talking about flying lessons. Although, when I think about it, it’s sort of like flying. But let me just share what I’m talking about. And I think it’ll make a lot more sense.

Are people coming in for a landing where you want them to?
I guess, first, I should ask…do you use landing pages? Let me give you an example of what I mean.
I was just with a client who had been offering a free monthly magazine in posts on his website and social media channels. And as we talked about it, I said, “Hey, that would be a great lead generator.”
And, of course, when you’re generating leads, you’re giving yourself more opportunity to build and scale your business.
So, in the RondaReady business coach business management system you get landing page templates included. And that way you can easily create your own lead generation system.
If you don’t know what I’m talking about, we need to talk.
But if you DO know what I’m talking about, you need to check out my RondaReady system. Because with this easy-to-set-up system, you can gather emails from people as you give them valuable information.
This is how you build your database (your qualified list) and maintain ongoing communication with them. And if you think you can build, grow, and scale your business without a qualified list, I’d love to hear how you do it. But I bet you’re looking for a way to do it. Or else you probably wouldn’t be reading this.
Good news is…for go-getters, my system will help you get where you wanna go so much better and faster. But if you’re looking for a virtual ATM, you’re in the wrong place. Because every successful business owner knows, it takes a lot of hard work to make life easier.

So, when you’re really ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,