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Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Warm body syndrome – if you suffer from it, help is on the way

September 17, 2020

Hey Mr. or Ms. Business owner. Do you suffer from warm body syndrome? If so, you’re not alone. Average business owners all across America are dealing with this silent killer every day. And in way too many cases, they even have to close up shop. Because they don’t know, or can’t find, the cure. And that makes me so sad. Because the cure is closer than they imagine.

What are some symptoms of warm body syndrome?
Basically all the symptoms come from one cause. The need for “somebody.” And that translates into “anybody.” And that becomes the warm body. See if any of these sound familiar. You started your business and it becomes a little more than you can handle by yourself. So, now you need “somebody” to…

* Answer the phones,
* Make calls,
* Help with paperwork,
* Follow up with prospects, and
* Deal with admin work

So, you put out your ads and feelers to find Somebody.
And Somebody can be Anybody. As long as they’re willing to “jump in and help” and follow you around to “learn the ropes.”
Trouble is…you might be giving Somebody just enough rope to hang your business. Because you didn’t hire them for their qualifications. Because you didn’t even figure out what their qualifications needed to be ahead of time.
But you could get lucky. Yeah, Somebody could do a great job. And maybe even take the bull by the horns. Wouldn’t that be great? Before you know it, you might be wondering how you ever got along without ’em.
But then guess what?
Mr Somebody has to move away or wants to start his own business. Or Ms Somebody is gonna have a baby and wants to quit and work from home. And there you are again. Only now, you discover they’ve been doing things their way. And you gotta figure out what that is. And get Somebody else…fast.
Wow! Now, warm body syndrome is double trouble for you. Because you gotta hire somebody else. AND you gotta figure out who’s training works. Yours? Or that last warm body?
Ok, I started out by saying this happens to average business owners every day. But YOU don’t have to be average. Because there’s something you can do to avoid the whole stress-filled disaster.

And it’s already set up in my RondaReady business coach business management system. So, when you plug into it, I can help you avoid warm body syndrome (and a whole lot of other messes) from the very beginning. It’s more work up front. But WOW! You’ll save so much time and so many headaches you’ll be able to take that Caribbean cruise you’ve always dreamed of.
Well, at the very least, you’ll enjoy more freedom and make more money. And who doesn’t want those?
So, when you’re really ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,