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Get Ready - Be Ready - Stay Ready

Primary care physician for your business? Well, yeah. Sort of.

August 24, 2020

A primary care physician for your business
I hope today finds you (and your business) healthy, happy, and hungry for more. But just in case that’s not how it is, let’s talk about how to choose a primary care physician. Bear with me. It’ll make sense.

Typically you have a primary care physician to start with.
And then, if there’s something “different” going on in your health, your Doc refers you to a specialist. Right?
But what if you just started going to all the specialists before you met with your primary Doc? And what if you just skipped the initial discovery into what’s going on in your body? And instead you just head straight to the “knee guy.”
Or the “eye lady.” Or the whatever specialist.
Sure, those specialists can “treat” you. But you don’t even know what the underlying cause might be.
The reason I bring it up is because it’s kind of the same in business. And I meet a lot of different entrepreneurs who look for their “branding specialist.” Or they think they need a “pipeline specialist.”
Sure, those are all legitimate concerns.
But most business owners don’t take into consideration that they’ve ignored the core foundation of their business.
And when you build that strong core to start with, a lot of the other problems would end up taking care of themselves. But just in case they don’t, then THAT’S when you go look for the specialist.
But you can’t ignore the core.
Back problems. Leg problems. Where do they start? If you just treat the symptoms, and you never get down to the core, guess what keeps popping up?
That same symptom. And maybe somewhere else, too.
But I wanna help you build your strong business core. Because, I’m telling you, it’ll take care of the other issues. Time management. Not getting enough clients or customers. And not being organized.

My 3 step RondaReady business coach business management system can help you build that strong core. And you’ll increase your quality of life.
So, when you’re really ready to be the highly organized CEO of your business, book a free 30 minute call with me. And together we’ll see if my system is right for you. Because I truly do wanna help you…
Stay Ready,