Rob's Pod Question Everything

Rob's Pod Question Everything

EP 34 The Question of Fear in a Relationship Part 1

December 16, 2014

The Question of Fear in a Relationship
All relationships are only between two people. They are between two dreamers, if you will.
Our dreams are made of emotions, what I like to call energy in motion. And those emotions come in two forms, fear or love. Unfortunately the emotion of fear seems to dominate most relationships. And the emotion of love, although it exists in the relationship, is a much smaller part of the total emotions.
What are some of the traits of Fear and Love?
Fear is full of obligations, expectations, disrespect, pity, and fear avoids responsibility. Fear is always unkind, and fear is full of conditions.
Love has no obligations; there are no expectations when you're in love. When you're in love you respect the other person. When you're in love, being responsible is automatic. When you're in love, kindness is a natural. And love has no conditions.
When you're in the energy of fear and you make a mistake you seem to live that same mistake over and over again and again. And your partner, if they are in the energy of fear, they also keep that mistake alive in your life and in theirs. You know, a wise man once said; be like a child. What happens when a child makes a mistake? He forgets about it, and keeps playing, and his friend, does the same thing. This is just one example of what it means to be like a child.
In order to have a good relationship, with anyone, you must love yourself. And in that love for yourself you will not allow anyone to abuse you. If someone is treating you with disrespect, or being unkind or trying to control you; you can explain to them that you don't wish to be around a person like that. The energy of fear is really about selfishness, control and what I call contraction. The energy of love is really about freedom, generosity, and gratitude and expansion.