RV Podcast

RV Podcast

RV Podcast 307: Who says you can’t boondock in a big rig?

August 12, 2020

There are a lot of RV myths out there and one big one is that you can’t boondock in a big rig.
This week, we dispel that bit of fake news by introducing you to two couples who not only boondock in big RVs, but both are thriving on it!

Jason and Rae Miller are known as the Getaway Couple on their blog and YouTube community and they travel and boondock regularly in a huge Fifth Wheel.

Mark and Julie Bennett, who publish the RV Love channel and blog and are authors of a very popular book on RVing, boondock in a huge Class A motorhome.

We hear from both couples this week as they tell you about boondocking in a big rig, what are the challenges and more importantly just how they get those giant RVs down the road and off the grid.

Both couples will teach you a lot!

Plus, we have RV News of the week, your RV Lifestyle questions and a great off the beaten path report from the Burketts.
You can listen to this episode of the Podcast on your favorite app or right below in the audio player. The interview about how to boondock in a big rig is about 20:37 in:

Show Notes for Episode #302 July 8, 2020 of The RV Podcast: How to boondock in a Big Rig
Oregon now charging out-of-state residents more to camp at its campgrounds
The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department now adds a surcharge to out-to-state residents wanting to use its campgrounds. The surcharge works out to about a 30 percent price hike, making a full-service campsite cost $42 for out-of-state residents (compared to the previous $33). Cost of a tent site will increase to $23 from $19 a night. The state hopes to raise $500,000 from the new fees to make up for lost revenue from when the campgrounds were closed earlier this year because of COVID-19. It also hopes to encourage people to stay closer to home. The surcharge will be applied to new reservations and first-come, first-served campers and will remain in place for the rest of this year.

June RV and towable camper sales break the record
Well, most of the numbers are in, and now it is official: More Americans than ever are giving the RV Lifestyle a try. The RV industry recorded the best sales month EVER last June, with a 16.5% increase over last year’s 41,699 total. And that doesn't even include numbers from the states of Arizona, Colorado, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon and Vermont. Americans are really buying RVs and towables. The numbers support what we have been hearing for months. More and more people are camping as a result of COVID-19. To see more of what we've reported about camping changes this year click here.

Peak viewing of the Perseid meteor showers will be Tuesday and Wednesday- don't miss it!
The annual Perseid meteor shower is expected to peak this week, and if you can get outside to watch, you don't want to miss it! Up to 100 shooting stars can be seen per hour during its peak. It should be visible all this week. A good strategy is to look up as late in the ev...