Road To Joy Podcast

Road To Joy Podcast

Episode 2 What it Takes to Succeed at Anything

May 15, 2018

Do you have a goal you’re trying to reach? Are you trying to change something in your life? Learn a new skill? Help your kids feel success and confidence even with setbacks and failure? Recent research shows that resilience and grit are huge indicators of success in a person. (NOT talent, IQ, social status or even good looks!)

Listen to our conversation about the aspects of resilience and grit. We’ll get into what it takes to have both, even through the face of distraction, fear, setbacks and boredom. At the end you’ll feel empowered to commit to the task at hand and find courage to see yourself through even the toughest phases. Through the practice of your commitment and courage you’ll build capability and confidence to see yourself through to the end.

For more research on grit check out these links:

Key Points:

  • Grit is the perseverance and passion for long-term goals

  • Grit is the common denominator of successful people

  • Anyone can cultivate Grit and become more resilient in life

  • The four stages of creating success (or being gritty) are

    • Commitment

    • Courage

    • Capability

    • Confidence