Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Defining Motherhood

May 10, 2018



How do you define motherhood? Yes, that is a loaded question that we are tackling on episode #177.  The replay is a live recording by the Roadschool Moms team from the back porch and behind the wheel. Holly Giles, the creator of The Giles Frontier, broadcasts from central Florida.  This week, Mary Beth Goff, the Road Trip Teacher stops by Holly's back porch along with Kristin Drake to talk about motherhood. 

Who defined motherhood for you?
Kristen shared a poll she took among friends for this podcast and the results were all different.

* My mom.
* My best friend's mom.
* My aunt.
* A homeschool speaker.
* A school teacher.

The results show we don't realize that we are pouring into people's lives with what we say, even when we don't know it.
Grab the pile of laundry, some tissues and let's go!
This podcast had a direction before the three of us came together. However, thoughts, emotions, giggles, and God played a bigger role in what we share with you today.

We got a little carried away with our time, but it is time well spent. If you are looking for encouragement to know you are enough, you matter and there is always hope in Jesus then stay tuned.

We giggled too much, (edited some out) hit some weighty topics and shared some truth about the baggage we carry into motherhood.

In the end, we all agree that you shouldn't set yourself up for failure instead, give yourself GRACE.

When you know better, do better and building relationships with our kids is the most important.


Roadschool Moms Information
Looking for a roadmap for your next learning adventure? Scroll through the RSM library on iTunes to find more than 170 podcast replays.  Subscribe on iTunes, rate the show and leave a review. Not sure how to do that? Check out the video – It’s as easy as 1-2-3! Android users follow on Stitcher.

Homeschool enrollment is on the rise. As a result, more and more families are moving into a home on wheels. Further, the Roadschool Moms record this broadcast to present resources that meet the challenges of today’s roadschooler. These roadschool defined adventures don’t stop there. Holly Giles, founder of The Giles Frontier, and Mary Beth Goff, creator of Road Trip Teacher, team up every week to offer listeners a fresh take on homeschooling from the back porch of your home and behind the wheel across America’s backyard.
Roadschool Moms:  Season 12