Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Be Still or Be Busy?

March 11, 2018

The Roadschool Moms examine how the pressure to be busy disrupts everyday life in Episode#169. This is the first episode of a three-part series for the RSM focus on two words:  Be Still. The replay is a live recording by the Roadschool Moms team from the back porch and behind the wheel. Holly Giles, creator of The Giles Frontier, broadcasts from central Florida. Across the country, Mary Beth Goff, the Road Trip Teacher calls in from west central Indiana. The OTR duo are on a mission to bust up the busyness factor to Roadschool Moms everywhere. Hit the replay to hear more about this revelation that will unsabatoge your homeschool and your life.

Be Still
This broadcast begins with encouragement to set priorities in your household including but not limited to homeschool and extracurricular activities. Mary Beth reminds listeners to set goals and define what is truly important to your family. A past episode of RSM radio about comparison also reminds that what is right for one family isn't necessarily the answer for another. Holly expands on this thought with reflection of a past weekly schedule in their house. She remembers a time when the priority in her house was theraphy sessions, co-op responsibilities, and scheduled field trips. It sounds harmless enough doesn't it? Tune in to find out how this time period from The Giles Frontier turns into disciplinary issues and exhausted kids.

Mary Beth challenges Roadschool Moms everywhere to unplug themselves from the daily chaos that life can sometimes bring! When you have a few minutes, don't turn to a screen to occupy your mind. Be bored! Holly points out that being busy affects time spent with your family members. Being fully intentional with our family is impossible if we have a phone in one hand and a schedule of busy in the other.
The Busyness Myth
Busy means productive. NOT! The real truth over the busyness myth goes back to a simple idea. Quality vs. Quantity. Successful homeschool moms agree that one productive, intentional homeschool day out performs three unproductive, forced days on a hamster wheel.

Afraid your kids are missing something? So what. These roadschool mamas have an "all for one and one for all attitude." MB and Holly agree that supporting each other as a family is a good priority to set for family values. Set priorities and BE accomplished.

How do you begin to unravel being busy? What will kids do with free time? Be still and let them discover interests and talents on their own. Tackle business and find white space in your week. MB says don't over complicate life. Find what gives you peace to find the priority in your life. Does the extras in your schedule enhance the foundation that is important to your family?

Find a way to closely examine in the layers of your life. Holly challenges listeners to peel back these layers and find a way to free up an entire day of your household schedule this week. What can you take away to find space and time and be still with your family:  What you will discover is your family rhythm for finding perfect peace.

The final thought from this week's Roadschool Moms team is the challenge to be bored. Want to follow how Mary Beth & Holly accept this friendly compeition? Visit them on Facebook and search #bebored.  
Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him; fr...