Road School Moms

Road School Moms

Uncover the Comparison Myth

March 04, 2018

The Roadschool Moms uncover the comparison myth in Episode#167. This second episode of the team's three-part Mythbusters series reveals how comparing your homeschool to others can be a significant detriment to all. The replay is a live recording by the Roadschool Moms team from the back porch and behind the wheel. Holly Giles, creator of The Giles Frontier, broadcasts from central Florida. Across the country, Mary Beth Goff, the Road Trip Teacher calls in from west central Indiana. The OTR duo are on a mission to bust up the comparison myth to Roadschool Moms everywhere. Hit the replay to hear more about this revelation that will unsabatoge your homeschool and your life.
Fact:  Apples to Apples
Comparing apples to apples in your everyday life may seem innocent. But the harsh reality is that comparison is a sin. Why? Because it leads to envy. These veteran homeschooling moms point out early in the broadcast that if you are jealous of the mama next door whose kiddos are playing the violin while reading a Shakespeare classic then you probably don't have a lot of love in your heart.
A tranquil heart gives life to the flesh, but envy makes the bones rot.  Proverbs 14:30

The RSM challenge from this episode is to Dare NOT to Compare! MB encourages roadschool moms everywhere to lay aside the weight of comparison, especially prideful comparison. She reminds us it is a burden that you may not even realize you are carrying around. It can be a heavy one! Imagine a journey filled with confidence and satisfaction instead of a road that leads to feelings of deficiency and underachievement. The differences you find in your kiddos from others is the dynamics that will drive them to excellence!
More about Roadschool Moms
Looking for a roadmap for your next learning adventure? Scroll through the RSM library on iTunes to find more than 165 podcast replays.

Homeschool enrollment is on the rise. As a result, more and more families are moving into a home on wheels. Further, the Roadschool Moms record this broadcast to present resources that meet the challenges of today’s roadschooler. These roadschool defined adventures don’t stop there. Holly Giles, founder of The Giles Frontier, and Mary Beth Goff, creator of Road Trip Teacher, team up every week to offer listeners a fresh take on homeschooling from the back porch of your home and behind the wheel across America’s backyard.
Roadschool Moms:  Season 12